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Amelia Kaelin Clarke

growing up, I have

always been drawn to the creative arts. I believe thE creative and performing arts play a massive role in allowing individuals to express, explore, and showcase their skills and, talents.  

During college, I Gained a passion for my studies of Dance, Media and production arts which led me to choose a Dance Performance degree at university.

Alongside my Dance Studies, I have always enjoyed photography; My eyes always keen to find an opportunity to Encapsulate a beautiful moment.

It's amazing to me what a camera can capture.

After looking through a collection of past photos I'd taken, I decided to create this site. 'Art and Explore Kaelin'. a place where I'm able to showcase myself, and my experiences as well as my artwork, my photography, my travel, and any future projects I'll be creating.

I can only hope you enjoy browsing through my work as much as I loved creating it.

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